Fishing knots leave a mark. No matter how you tie a fishing knot, there will be a head or bump in the line. This attachment point also makes the line strength weaker. The bigger the bump, the weaker the knot.

A great fishing knot makes a tight connection to a hook or lure at a minimal loss of line strength. Many things reduce line strength. Friction and heat can degrade line when you snatch the knot tight. Sunlight will also degrade line over time. Any nick or scratch in the line will weaken the fine thread between you and your hook.
Knot Tips
Always inspect your knots before casting. If you think it’s not correct, retie the knot.
Use clippers to cut the line. Do not use your teeth which will smash the end of the line. Line cut with teeth will not fit through a small hook eye. Braid requires a cutter.
Keep the line stored properly. Line in the heat, sun, or cold will weaken over time. Line stored on a reel spool will also gain memory in the form of loops. Use a line conditioner.
Get Good Line! Cheapo line is not a consistent strength. It also degrades faster. Do you want to gamble catching a trophy on cheapo line? Florocarbon is a great, but more expensive, choice for line that is strong, ties a good knot, and is thinner than other lines.
Consider Colored Line. You can see where you cast and see the bites more easily. Learn to tie a line-to-line knot or use micro swivels.
Inspect your reel bails, and rod guides. Grooves and scratches happen over time. Take a Q-tip and rub on each place where line contacts. If the cotton gets snagged, smooth the scratch or change the part/guide.
So which fishing knot is best? The Clinch Knot is a great choice for monofilament. Don’t limit yourself to just one knot. There are other knots that offer presentation options. Braid requires that you tie a Uni-Knot, which also works with mono. This is a perfect choice for those anglers who think there can be only one knot.
For line-to-line connections look at Blood knots, Surgeon Knots, or Alberto knots. When learning a new know use thicker yarn to practice. You can see and visualize the tie. If your eyes are an issue, get some cheater glasses that you can wear around your neck, or have bi-focal on your prescription eyewear.
If your fishing buddy is a Knot Head, look for some new buddies.
Montana Grant