
Attack of the Not-So-Domestic Cat…

Jan-16-25 by Angela Montana

Think you know cats? This couple’s surprise attacker proves not all felines are the cuddly kind—brace yourself for the unexpected…

Bobcat Nuggets!

Dec-11-23 by Angela Montana

Bobcat….it’s what’s for dinner…or lunch…or breakfast…or a snack!

Bobcats vs. Coyote

Nov-28-23 by Angela Montana

The sounds of these three animals are vicious. Bobcats, like many wild feline species, exhibit strong territorial behavior. These elusive […]

Bobcat stalks rabbit on busy golf course

Aug-03-23 by Angela Montana

Hey, if a bobcat is hungry, it’s going to hunt regardless of whether it is on a busy golf course […]


Jul-02-23 by Montana Grant

Anyone with a dog knows that shed hair is a problem. Hairy dust bunnies gather in corners of the floor, […]


Jul-02-23 by Montana Grant

Anyone with a dog knows that shed hair is a problem. Hairy dust bunnies gather in corners of the floor, […]