“WOOFDA” by Trevor Johnson of Kit’s Tackle
By angelamontana

Posted: April 11, 2013

(Photo courtesy of Trevor Johnson)

WOOFDA!! Man O’ man the jig engine here at Kit’s has been smoking hot!! We have been getting great reports from across Montana (and the whole NW) on the jigs…which really keeps us going when we don’t have time to get out on the water. We are getting excellent reports from Canyon Ferry and the rainbow trout spawn with the Pro Series Marabou, incredible testimonials from the Flathead River for big pre-spawn smallmouths on the Glass Minnows, and a lot of excitement from anglers chomping at the bit for the ice to come off their local waters. In fact, as much as I hate to admit it, dad and I were not able to make our annual trip to the Columbia River this spring because orders have been ringing in…who knew the jigs would be so effective across the board as a multi-species tool. The REVOLUTIONARY Glass Minnow Series have ultimately changed the world of jig fishing and the overwhelming amount of positive testimonials is FREAKIN’ AWESOME!!

So I’m about to do what no walleye angler would ever do. Today is April 9, 2013 and I HAVE NOT yet landed a walleye as of this year. There have been a few spiny yellows in our boat, but not on my rod and reel. Before you go scratching your head, there are a couple good reasons for this gobbledygook:

My crew and I have been so busy manufacturing Glass Minnows that our time on the water has been very limited this spring. This is a good thing…right?:)

Secondly, with the time we have been “Jiggin’ the Dream” we have been tinkering with monster browns!! This new found form of jigging big baits for giant yellows is like fishing the Salt H2O!! And I’m ADDICTED!!

But don’t think for a second I haven’t dedicated at least thirty five hours to walleye this spring with no avail. We are big fish hunters and sometimes spend what feels like a million hours between big fish…sometimes five minutes 😉 This is why fishing is so awe-inspiring to my father and I…especially jig fishing!! Nothing is more rewarding than inducing a strike from the action you imparted on your jig…GET SOME!! So the next time you see one of us holding a huge walleye or brown trout (which you most definitely will)…believe me not, we busted our jiggin’ arms doing it. Just don’t want anybody calling us lucky buggers…ha ha!! I even took an unexpected swim in 16 degree weather below Hauser earlier this year…still not sure if my buddies below the waist are fully recovered!!

As with any job, after working a million days on end with no rest, a guy is going to hit his breaking point…or jigging point I should say!! Dad and I were able to sneak out for a half day last Saturday chasing a big brown on Hauser. Although we didn’t find Mr. Big we caught a few great fish and had a wonderful time with our four legged boat buddies. It’s funny how sometimes just a half day on your local water can refresh and re-energize a fellow.

Here is a picture of my lab Pika sporting mad love for my insane passion!! My two best friends!! (pictured above)

(Written by Trevor Johnson of Kit’s Tackle)

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