A New Parasite in Town! (by Montana Grant)
By angelamontana

Posted: April 17, 2020

The Long-horned Tick has made landfall in North America! This exotic tick is from Asia. The original beach head was in New Jersey but, the latest contact was from a deer in Center County, Pennsylvania. Nature always finds a way. 

At some point this new Alien will find its way to Montana. Apparently, the cold winters does not bother this new immigrant. The USDA says that there is no infectious link to humans. The tick does prefer mammals, hogs, Cattle, and pets. 

Females reproduce asexually and can lay 2000 eggs after feeding. The horns on the tick are only visible with a microscope. These ticks have been in North America since 2017 but are spreading. 

Regular tick deterrents, treatments, and practices are the same. Using DEET sprays around cuffs, and pants are helpful. 

Ticks suck! No one enjoys parasites but we must all be aware of them. Depending upon the species of tick, many diseases like Lyme’s Disease are a concern. Frequent checks and awareness can prevent negative health issues. If the tick is imbedded, use tweezers to remove them. GET THE HEAD! If you use Vaseline or just pull part of the tick out, they will vomit their bacteria into your body. 

Prevention is the best medicine. Ticks are active in Turkey season.  

Montana Grant

For more Montana Grant, find him tick free at www.montanagrantfishing.com.

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