Five Short, Funny, and Surprising Fishy Tales
By Toby Trigger

Posted: September 6, 2015

Story One:

  • We have heard that when Dutchman Cor Stoop leaned over the side of his fishing boat, his false teeth fell into the North Sea. He never thought that he’d see them again. Apparently three months later another fisherman found the dentures inside the stomach of a cod.

Story Two:

  • A businessman who lost his mobile phone on a beach was amazed when it turned up – in the belly of a giant cod.[fisherman Glen Kerley said he’d found the phone in a 25lb fish.]

Story Three:

  • The blue-stoned class ring of Joe Richardson, engraved with his name, turned up inside an 8-pound bass 21 years after he lost it while fishing on Lake Sam Rayburn, USA. The finder has remained anonymous.

Story Five:

  • A gold ring turned up inside the belly of a fish caught by an angler off Fort Victoria, near Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, UK.

Story Six:

  • Biologists at the University of Manchester, England, want help in cracking their “miracle” discovery of three fish inside a sealed egg. The group found the duck egg in a small pond on a field trip to the French Alps and noticed something moving inside it. When they cracked open the shell, three live minnows were inside. They have enlisted the help of other experts, but despite their extensive combined knowledge, the biologists admit they are “baffled”.

These Stories were found at Will and Guys Funny Fish Stories at:

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