By Montana Grant

Posted: March 9, 2019

Multi-purposing is always a good idea. My neighbor came over today and mentioned that the snow load on his roof and ice dams in his gutters was causing leaks and damage to his home. At least 2 feet of snow is standing on everyone’s roofs.

According to engineering standards, 4 feet is the maximum roof snow load our homes can take. The roof on the MSU gym collapsed today! When I helped do some roofing a few years ago, we removed up to 7 layers of shingles and paper on several properties. Just saying!

So, I found my expandable Boat Pole and thought what a simple snow rake this could become. All I needed was a board at the end. Using an electrical pipe fitting and 4 long screws, I made a Snow Rake. The hook on the end of the snow rake is in the perfect position to support the board. The rest is about gravity and pulling the rake.

Today, I pulled 2 feet of snow off the perimeter of my roof and gutters. Next, I cleared the spouts. Within hours, my roof was dry, and the spouts were draining. My neighbors want to borrow my multi purposed boat pole rig.

The boat pole will stretch out 12 feet and is sturdy. Why but a new Roof Rake at over $100 when you can use an existing, but modified tool.

Anyway, clean your roofs and pray for less snow.

The Ground Hog was wrong!

Montana Grant

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