Black bears lethally removed after attacking man at his Teton Valley home
By Moosetrack Megan

Posted: August 8, 2023

On Monday, July 31, a Teton Valley man was attacked and injured by a sow black bear with a cub as he opened the garage door of his home in the Henderson Canyon area near Victor. The man involved quickly called Idaho Fish and Game to report the encounter.

Teton County Sheriff’s Office and Idaho Fish and Game immediately responded to the scene to locate the offending bears. The sow and cub were located in the vicinity and were lethally removed in the interest of public safety.

While attacks like this are uncommon, Idaho is home to both grizzlies and black bears, and it is important to be ‘Bear Aware’ when living or recreating in bear country.  For safety tips on how to be more ‘Bear Aware’ follow this link: Simple precautions at camp and home can help avoid bear problems | Idaho Fish and Game

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