By Montana Grant

Posted: June 3, 2021


“Not In My Back Yard!” Most people would never want a pile of trash left in their back yard. Sadly, some Nimby’s don’t give a second thought to leaving their trash in our parks and open spaces. We have all seen the campsites, picnic areas, campfire pits, vault toilets and parking spaces filled with litter and trash.

Usually, when alcohol is involved, thoughts about littering are forgotten. The party trash is just cast aside for someone else to pick up. Along with the trash comes vandalism and graffiti. None of these issues enhances our beautiful open spaces.

It would be nice if their trash could be returned to their back yards. I am sure that they would be angry.

It is always important to Pack it In and Out! It takes just a moment to leave no trace and be responsible for your mess.

 This is also true when it comes to cleaning up after your pets. Feces can contaminate the watersheds, spread diseases, attract unwanted insects and critters, and ruin heavily used trails. No one their dog rolling in feces or stepping in it. Oddly, we have all seen when pet owners pick up the poop and put it in the bag, then hang it in the tree?

Plastics, paper, cigarette butts, wrappers, gum, and so many other materials take along time to deteriorate and break down. Variables such as moisture, Air, heat, light, and chemistry determine how long it takes to break down. Ironically, they have dig up old trash pits from a century ago and can still read the newspapers discovered there.

Be Responsible for your mess. It takes just a minute. Clean up after yourself and always leave a campsite, trail, natural area better than you found it.

Don’t be a NIMBY!

Montana Grant

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