By Montana Grant

Posted: June 3, 2023

We just celebrated Memorial Day. This holiday honors the memory of great soldiers that helped to keep America free and safe. Their ultimate sacrifice is a high price to pay for freedom. When you remember the heroes, many names come to mind. Often, family members were on that list.

As Sportsmen, we also need to thank and remember the heroes of hunting and fishing. There are many. These heroes may be the old timer or Dad that helped you catch that first fish or tag your first critter. These moments are/were priceless. The reason that we have wonderful outdoor opportunities is because of these heroes.

Most public lands exist because of Teddy Roosevelt, and other hunters. Fishermen also understood the importance of health ecosystems and supported public protections and access. Here are some names of hunters to remember.

Howard Hill

Saxton Pope and Art Young


Fred Bear

Meshack Browning and Daniel Boone

Aldo Leopold

Chuck Adams

Fishermen also have done much to protect and preserve our natural resources. Here are some fishermen to honor.

Izaak Walton

Lefty Kreh

Curt Gowdy

Gadabout Gaddis

Ernest Hemingway

Dick and Jim Cabela

These are only a few names. You can also remember the politicians like Pittman, Robinson, Dingell, and Johnson that fostered taxes on all purchases for hunting and fishing gear. This money is then returned to each state based upon license sales. The original fishermen of Big Sky Country like Dan Bailey, Bud Lilly, Bob Jacklyn, and others have also done so much. Even the relative or neighbor that helped you catch your first fish or tag your first critter should be remembered.

Conserving and managing our Natural Resources is essential for a healthy ecosystem. Everyone benefits from this goal. We all need to be stewards of our wild and precious open spaces. Thank you for the gift of celebrating and enjoying Nature.

Montana Grant

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