FWP News: New FWP program to focus on developing shooting-sports facilities
By angelamontana

Posted: July 10, 2023

Public asked to participate in online survey

HELENA – Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is seeking public input on how it should move forward with developing shooting ranges throughout the state. An online survey is open now to gauge public interest in shooting ranges and public opinion on what should be included when considering the development of new shooting ranges or improvement to existing shooting ranges. This 10-minute survey will help gather detailed information to guide efforts throughout the next five to 10 years.

FWP recently launched a Shooting Range Development Program, with the goal of developing new FWP-administered shooting sports facilities throughout the state. Facilities may include archery, pistol, rifle and other shooting-related sports.

Since the launch of the program FWP has expanded the archery range at Lone Pine State Park, is completing construction of a new archery range at Big Arm State Park and will soon begin improvements to the archery range at Makoshika State Park.

A priority for FWP is to develop shooting range facilities close to major population areas around the state, including a flagship range that could be used for competitions, tournaments and education activities, such as hunter and bowhunter education.

FWP will use the survey results to help guide the department’s shooting range development plans for the coming years.

The survey will be available on the FWP website beginning today, July 10. To participate in the survey, go to www.surveymonkey.com/r/VT5YNW2.


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