Wildlife Isn’t a Photo Op: Jackson Hole’s Message to Tourists
By angelamontana

Posted: August 27, 2024

Jackson Hole has a new, clever way to remind folks to keep their distance from wildlife. It’s unfortunate that some people still need the reminder, but with the growing trend of risky selfies, it’s become necessary. The Visit Jackson Hole website now features a page titled, “Grizzlies run 35 mph. Humans? 8. You do the math,” and it’s catching a lot of attention.

Why more people are getting dangerously close to wildlife for a quick photo is unclear, but it’s becoming a troubling trend. We’ve all seen those viral videos—someone gets too close to a bison, and the next thing you know, they’re making headlines for all the wrong reasons. “Getting the shot” just isn’t worth the risk, to you or the animals.

The website also offers tips on staying bear-aware and keeping a safe distance from wildlife, and even features a “Selfie Control” Instagram filter (pictured below). While the page might give you a chuckle, those who can’t resist the urge to snap that close-up need to take it seriously.



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