Dove hunting is fun but tough. Some anti hunters consider Dove hunting a sin but… Doves are hard to hit but tasty to eat.
Montana has a short Dove season. Our fall and cold temperature s quickly flush doves to migrate southward. If the weather stays seasonal and has no frosts, dove hunting can last a few weeks in September. If we get a Montana early frost, save your shells for pheasants and huns.
Dove hunting can be Fast and Furious. Only the best shots manage a limit. That limit means a dozen bacon wrapped, smoked and tasty delicacies off the grill. Smoked, bacon wrapped dove breasts are simply amazing to eat.
The key to getting a limit is where you are hunting. Try and find a place where the birds routinely fly from water to feed to roosts. Pass shooting is the key. I have had good luck walking the edges of wheat fields and jump shooting doves.
Timing is also important. Doves do not fly all day. Th elate afternoon can be the best hunting. Doves like to feed and drink before roosting. Shooting over a fresh cut corn or grain field is money.
The right load and gun are important. Back in the day, I would reload for doves. When I made a shot shell, I would add a single dove feather into the shell for good luck. Normally I preferred # 7 ½ shot in my shell load. This gave me a bit more range. Shoot a gun that fits you well. You need to swing to hit flying birds. Never stop the swing.
Decoys help. Use cut out dove decoys that you can attach to a fence to attract doves. Dove decoys in the field also help. You can use silhouettes or full body decoys.
Whistle Calling doves is fun. Mimic their whistle. You will be surprised how many doves will turn and come into range.
Camo helps Be discreet and blend into where you are hunting. Do not move until its shooting time.
Take some drinks Dove hunting can be hot! Freeze some water bottles to put into your dove sack. If you get thirsty, grab one.
A seat is nice! A swivel stool is a good idea. Once you have found the right flight spot. Sit down and relax.
Hunt hard, hunt harder!
Montana Grant