HELENA – Cooler temperatures and rain have improved fishing conditions on the Big Hole River. A full fishing closure has been in effect for the entire river since Aug. 31. Effective today, Sept. 19, the closure from the Dickie Bridge Recreation Site to the Tony Schoonen Fishing Access Site (also known as Notch Bottom) will be lifted. A full closure remains in place for the rest of the Big Hole River, upstream and downstream of these sections. A full closure prohibits any fishing on the stretch of water specified.
Even though conditions have improved to allow angling in parts of the Big Hole River until the end of September, the angling closure to protect spawning fish from Dickie Bridge to the confluence with the Jefferson River will still go into effect Oct. 1 and remain in place until April 1.
Fishing restrictions and closures like these are designed to protect fish that become more susceptible to disease and mortality when low flows and high water temperatures combine with other stressors, including catch-and-release fishing.
Anglers can reduce stress on fish at all times of the year by getting fish to the net or in hand quickly, keeping them in the water, and reviving them prior to releasing them back into the river.
Along with monitoring stream temperatures, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks also monitors stream flows, and in some streams, holds instream flow water rights. FWP’s water program can issue a call on junior water users, when appropriate, to contribute to stream flows through the late summer and early fall. For more information on FWP water rights, click here.
For a list of current fishing restrictions and closures in Montana, click here.