Nothing is a better teacher than asking a great question. After a lifetime as an educator, I learned that asking a question is not as easy as you think. If I was asked a question, that I may not know the answer to, I learned to ask a better question.
People like answering questions. After teaching and presenting seminars for a lifetime, my favorite part is when I get a great question. It means my audience /students are paying attention. Remember that we are there for you to learn, not for us to brag and tell tall stories.
Seminars are a perfect place to ask a question. This year’s Great Rockies Outdoor Show will have many great seminar speakers. What questions are you interested in? A great question usually leads to even better answers and information.

You have been reading my Montana Grant stories for years. What did you not understand, agree with, or simply missed? Bring your questions to the Billings Outdoor Show on January 17-19. I will be at the show on Saturday and Sunday. If I am not presenting my seminars, on Ice Fishing or Spring Turkey hunting, you can find me at my booth doing book signings for my new book “Welcome to Montana Grant”.
Each book will be personalized and include a custom bookmark that has last Springs Gobblers feather attached. The feather is proof positive that my turkey tips really work. You will be able to put a face to a name and ask all the questions, make suggestions, or just say Howdy.
I hope I have an answer to all your questions.
Fire away!
Montana Grant