One of my old fishing buddy’s is now seeing red. His favorite fishing snacks and drinks are on the new Red Dye#3 FDA Ban. The government is banning the use of this dye, which is commonly found in candy, cough syrup, snacks, beverages, dairy products, and most foods and drinks that are red.
The FDA has given companies using Red Dye #3 until 2027 to reformulate their products. The Red Dye is linked to Cancer in rats and mice, when given to them in high doses. Thyroid cancer has been one outcome. Other countries have banned its use due to this data. It has been banned from cosmetic products.

Red Dye #3 is derived from petroleum. Its chemical name is erythrosine. It has been used in our food since 1907. Red and blue colors have been a challenge to create when used in food products. Artificial colors are hard to design. M and Ms have both colors. Artificial dyes come in other colors. Red #3 is as bad as Red #40. The dyes are used to make products visually pleasing.
My Buddy loved drinking strawberry flavored Yoo Hoo drinks and anything strawberry flavored. He also ate Doritos by the bag and Skittles by the pound. Manufactures can mimic the flavor, but Red Dye#3 was needed to give it color. His lunch often included snack cakes, yogurts, jellybeans, gummies, fruit strips, and anything with a strawberry twang. He would eat Maraschino cherries out of the jar and feast on strawberry icing covered snack cakes. Cereals have engineered dyes and chemicals. Even Kraft mac n cheese has red dye in it. Easter Peeps, Skittles, Gatorade, Doritos, and more.
Read the Labels is the best advice. Many food and beverage products have harmful and cancer-related chemicals. You need to become a student of your diet. Do research on your favorite drinks, foods, and snacks.
It may take some lifestyle modifications, but with education, you can live a longer and healthier life so you can hunt and fish longer and healthier. My fishing buddy will need a complete makeover when it comes to his arsenal of fishing snacks and drinks.
Too much Red could make you dead!
Montana Grant