FISHING is a wonderful sport, with an outlook on life, past time, pursuit, and way to feed your body, mind, and soul. The dictionary defines “Fishing” as “the activity of catching fish”. Whoever wrote that definition has never been fishing. Just because you go fishing does not mean that you catch anything.
Fish are the excuse to go fishing. We may catch fish, but we may not. You will relax, relieve your stress, chill, enjoy nature, or the company of friends. If you are not doing these things, you are doing it wrong.
There was a time when Fishing meant survival and life or death. Today Fishing is more about the sport than the dinner. Fish Friday is still a thing, but many fishers do enjoy eating their catch. Others spend copious amounts of time and money, and plan to catch fish and throw them back, after selfie time.
Every time I mention the word “Fishermen” in an article, I get edited. This word is no longer acceptable. I am not sure if it is about DEI or just that there is more diversity of people that fish. Women are the fastest growing population when it comes to hunting and fishing. Therefore “Fishermen” is not inclusive of Women. When I look for an alternative word, “Angler “is suggested. My only question is do we need to change the word “WoMen or WoMan”?
Anyway, I have also learned that there are synonyms and other alternative words for Fishing.
These include.
- Fresh and Saltwater fishing
- Deep sea Fishing
- Casting
- Spinning
- Fly fishing
- Commercial fishing
- Snagging
- Dabbing
- Spearing
- Harpooning
- Live Lining
- Piscary
- Netting
- Seining
- Ice fishing
- Sportfishing
- Carping
- Jugging
- Bush Bobbing
- Noodling
- Luring
Or just dropping a line.
Fishing makes for wonderful metaphors. Piscatorial Pursuits enrich our lives, bodies, and give us pleasure. We try to catch Hawgs, Pigs, Whales, Monsters, Lunkers, Slobs, Whoppers, Jumbos, Busters, Fatty’s, and Donkeys.
Small fish even get nicknames like “Minnies, Troutlings, fingerlings, Babies, Fry, Pan Fish, and Tiddlers.”
There are also Slang terms for Fishing. We “Rip Lips, Go on a Slay Ride, Whackem and Stackem, Git Our Limits, Load the Boat”, and many more. Nicknames for “Anglers” include “Fish Finders, Fish Slayers, Fish Magnets, Bait Gurus, Net Ninjas, Castaways, Cast Masters, Fish Whisperers, Reel Masters, Hookers, Rod Benders, Tackle Junkies, Line Wetters, Finatics, an Fishaholics”.
There are different names for the kinds of fishing, where we fish, and how we fish. Overfishing means that too many fish are being caught to support a healthy fish population. There is no word for an Angler that simply goes fishing a lot. Mainly because the catching is not always a part of a successful day of fishing.
I am still confused if the word “Fish” is about a single finned fish or is it about the plural of catching a lot of “Fish”. According to proper English, it should be about many “Fishes”, but hat just sounds wrong.
Our English language is overly complicated. Its full of contradictions and applications, and “A River Runs Through It!”
Who Knew?
Montana Grant