A noted grizzly bear biologist said Yellowstone-area bears can handle a “well-managed, conservate” hunt. Frank van Manen, leader of the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study team, made the comment during a presentation at a science conference held in Big Sky recently. He also said the harvest would likely always be small as bears continue to die in the region from other human-inflicted causes – everything from collisions with cars to run-ins with hunters and management removals for eating livestock. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is poised to issue a decision on removing grizzlies in the Yellowstone region from protections offered by the Endangered Species Act. Montana, Idaho and Wyoming have signed a memorandum regarding hunting of grizzlies if or when that decision is made. However, van Manen said the main threat posed to grizzlies in the region is continued growth around the expanse of the bear’s core habitat, which includes Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks, as well as huge swaths of national forest. Developments, such as the one at Big Sky, continue to encroach on what was once grizzly bear habitat. In addition, the growth of towns in the region, like Bozeman, as well as increasing recreational tourism, all put pressure on bears. To learn more about van Manen’s talk, check out my story at https://billingsgazette.com/outdoors/frank-van-manen-interagency-grizzly-bear-study-team-greater-yellowstone-ecosystem/article_1472bfa0-6c7a-11ef-b8f2-8f9caf2ba242.html
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