Search results for: “brett french”
Brett French reports: Tracking a historic explorer
Red Lodge photographer and videographer Leslie Hittmeier was hired to work on an unusual trip this year: trying to find […]
Bill would raise nonresident base license to boost hunter access funding
Will a proposed fee hike for nonresident hunters boost public access—or drive them away? Read more from Brett French…
Bill would increase private fish pond license fees to $600
Montana’s private fish ponds may seem like small fry compared to our famous rivers, but they’ve sparked a big debate. Read more from Brett French.
Ancient trees reveal possible futures for Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
Frozen in time: Ancient trees preserved in a Beartooth ice patch for 5,000 years are revealing secrets about past climates—and what they mean for our warming future. Read more from Brett French…
Lawmaker sponsors resolution supporting federal land transfer to states
Montana’s public lands are back in the political crosshairs, with a new push to transfer federal lands to state control—reviving an old battle that could reshape access, management, and the future of our wild places…
Is forever too long? Landowners tell Montana lawmakers to butt out of property decisions
BRETT FRENCH To make something perpetual is everlasting and permanent — so a long, long time. When it comes to […]
FWP conservation easement in Fergus County stalls amid confusion, miscommunication
After months of miscommunication and delays, the Fergus County Commission gave the green light to the Stafford Ferry Conservation Easement, ending a saga of confusion and setting the stage for better access to Montana’s wildlands—proving that collaboration can still win the day.
DEQ water quality studies lay groundwork for Smith River restoration
BRETT FRENCH If the Smith River were a medical patient, its doctors now have in hand a series of […]
High land prices stall Montana sage grouse easements
With Montana’s land prices soaring, conservation efforts to protect sage grouse habitat are hitting financial hurdles, putting the future of this vital program—and the iconic birds it protects—at risk.
Captain’s Weekly Fort Peck Salmon report for 8.23.24
This past week, the size of fish picked for the Captain and his crew. There were not as many caught, […]
Wolves kill, devour elk on Gardiner school’s football field
According to an article by Brett French via the Billings Gazette, in a peculiar twist of fate, a cow elk […]
Backcountry cabins tied to Yellowstone’s history
In the early years of Yellowstone National Park, soldiers in the U.S. Army patrolled the backcountry for poachers. To shelter […]
The Newsman Makes News on the Montana Outdoor Podcast!
This week on the Montana Outdoor Podcast Brett French Talks to The Captain and Downrigger about his over 30 years […]